Engine #: 533324
The BMW R 51/3 VIN 538036 was manufactured on March 11th, 1954
Delivered on March 18th, 1954 to a BMW dealer named Pieper
Rebuild 1995 (paint), 2003 (engine), 2004 (12 volt electronic ignition)
This bike is featured in February 2004 issue of Classic Bike Guide, click here to see scanned article.
My original 6 V generator gave up after 50 years of service. Discovered a shop selling a 12V replacement complete with electronic ignition for the same price as repairing the old one. Click here to see some pictures.
The page became a bit too slow, moved some older pictures to here.
01-11-2003, Beaulieu.
01-11-2003, Beaulieu.
01-11-2003, Beaulieu.
01-11-2003, Beaulieu.
01-11-2003, Beaulieu.
01-11-2003, Beaulieu.